Newsletter No. 6 of October 15, 2024


We will soon celebrate Amobisol’s 2nd anniversary, on October 22nd to be precise.
Beyond raising awareness of soft mobility, we are leading now actions to support the change in mobility: conversion of bicycles into electrically assisted bicycles (EAB) and loans of EABs as part of “1 week without my car” operations.
Thanks to the association Innovation Véhicules Doux de l’Aveyron, a source of inspiration for us!

Raising awareness of soft mobility

September 1st in Talant
Amobisol presence at the annual association fair “Talant Loisirs”. Result: lots of good contacts with a public particularly interested in converting a bicycle into an electric bicycle. This first participation showed us the dynamism of the community’s associative life.

September 15 in Dijon
Dijon Vélo Tour is an event that brings together every year 5 to 6000 people who love to discover by bike their city on an original route, in a peaceful and secure atmosphere. For Amobisol, it was an opportunity to meet this public, these families, these groups of friends and to make known our actions for the promotion of soft mobility.

September 21 in Talant

A day of activities was organized at the socio-cultural center La Turbine: Fresco of Mobility, presentation of the conversion of bicycle into VAE and projection of a movie. The results are mixed given the low attendance at the event, perhaps due to the very sunny weather and the heritage days…

September 22 in Dijon
Participation in the Grand Déj, the annual forum which brings together more than 200 Burgundy associations. The opportunity to meet a wide audience with a Mobility Fresco Quiz and the presentation of our actions: bicycle conversion workshops into electric bikes, “A week without my car” operation.
A big thank you to the 7 volunteers who animated our stand!

28 September in Dijon

Amobisol was present at the big bicycle fair organized as every year by La Rustine, an associative bicycle repair workshop in Dijon. This event was an opportunity to meet an audience of bicycle users to raise awareness of our actions, in particular our bicycle conversion workshops into electric bikes.

Support for mobility change

July – AugustPreparation of the fleet of 5 electrically assisted bicycles intended for loan as part of the “A week without my car” operations ! The second-hand bikes were purchased from the La Rustine association workshop. We adjusted them, fitted them with pedal motors and batteries. In order to create a visual identity for the fleet, the bikes now sport Amobisol’s colours.Thank you to the volunteers who participated.

From September 16 to 23 in Talant, as part of the European Mobility Week
A “A week without my car” operation was organized with the Talant Town Hall. The city’s agents tested the VAE loaned by Amobisol for their personal and professional travel, to test whether the VAE could replace the company car and/or the personal car.
During the restitution, the agents reported on their use and their impressions. The motorization was very appreciated, some emphasized the pleasure of traveling by bike. The results are positive: 3 agents motivated to equip themselves personally and a department considering the purchase of a collective VAE.

From October 2 to 17 at the La Turbine socio-cultural center in Talant
Operation “Two weeks with VAE and cargo bikes for professional use” for the agents of the socio-cultural center. manufacturer of cargo bikes in the Dijon metropolis. For each trip, the agents will therefore have the choice between 5 electrically assisted bicycles loaned by Amobisol and 2 cargo bikes, two-wheelers and longtails, in partnership with the company Douze Cycles based in the Metropolis.
The arrival of the bicycles was greeted with enthusiasm. The challenge: to test whether these vehicles facilitate travel, parking and limit the use of company cars.

Solar mobility

In July and August, in Alsace and the Dolomites
Organized by 2 members of Amobisol, solar and electric bike rides were shared in Alsace in July and in the Italian Dolomites in July-August. Thanks to the organizers Sylvain and Daniele, thanks to the participants for sharing images of their hikes on social networks!

Outlook 2024-2025

It was with enthusiasm that we learned yesterday that Dijon Métropole had awarded a grant for the purchase of a cargo bike, our fleet is growing!
Next workshop for converting a bike into an electric bike scheduled for Saturday, November 2!
With the first experiences of lending a bike for the “1 week without my car” operations, the challenge for the coming months will be to develop new partnerships with communities, associations, socio-cultural establishments, etc.

Thank you for your support and have a great fall everyone!
Stéphane Bujadoux

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